its not my fault that I was born in the middle…

Starbucks 2011 Planner

Finally, An Starbucks planner! This is my first time to get an starbucks planner but I got it of course with the help of my friends. In order to get the planner, you need to have 18 stickers, which means you need to buy 18 coffee from them and the tricky part is 9 of the stickers are for the holiday blends which costs like a full meal for me. So those who contributed for the stickers, THANKS! THANKS! THANKS! Romel for the 5 stickers, Naning with 3 stickers and Maphene with 3 stickers. Thats 12 stickers and the remaining 7… yours truly!

2 responses

  1. Oh..So your one of the people who ingest gallons of caffeine for that savvy Starbucks organizer! Congratulations!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…Eman Eater:)

    December 29, 2010 at 4:57 am

  2. Hiccup

    hahaha i like the picture where u r counting the SB stickers.. i have 10 stickets now.. hoping to complete it today!

    January 4, 2011 at 7:16 am

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